Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year New JOURNEY !!

New year! another year to face and struggle! new year of sadness and happiness, year of a new chapter and a new year of JOURNEY !!
Welcome 2011, bye 2010 .. forgot all the hard feelings you've had on the year 2010, this year is finally OVER so, LET IT GO ! let go for all the bad feelings you've shared for all the people you've hurt, be sorry , thank them for sharing their 2010 life with you.
2011, another year for me,with my family, friends and relatives. new year to prove myself to my parents that I can make it and I'll never disappoint them.I'm so thankful and grateful that I have all this people in my life.loving me and always there to support me all the way, but there's only one person whom I'd be thank for . it's GOD his been my adviser,friend,brother father and my EVERYTHING. his there in my 15 years in this world. I owe my life with him. thanks GOD,because you make my past years HAPPY . hope 2011 is another year of HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS ! Thanks for everything .:))


  1. ...very nice post...I love the way you express your thoughts and ideas,a good English grammar keep it up girl.!!!

  2. thats right because new year is another year to face.

  3. nice bhe ;] i hope that you can fulfill your plans this year ;] nice post bhe ;] keep it up !!! ;]]
